Movie Review: Barbie (2023)

I did NOT want to see this movie.  From the moment it was announced, to the time I saw the first trailer, I had zero interest.  I may have even had negative interest in it.  When it exploded onto the theaters and became such a massive success with Barbie and

Under the Rainbow

(note: This essay was published in The Buckeye Flame online magazine as well as in the online publication, Breaking the Silence: Queer Self, Life, and Love in Northeast Ohio through Literary Cleveland. Both are great, so please check them!) I have a somewhat conflicted history with the Rainbow Pride Flag. 

I’m Coming Out…Again…and Again…and Again…

I have been coming out of the closet my entire adult life.  I have to say that since my first “official” coming out, I have not gone back “in” in any way, but I consistently have to announce my gayness to just about everyone I meet for the first time. 

Move Review: Love, Simon (2018)

Well, after months of putting it off for no real reason, we finally watched the newest gay-themed film released to theaters, Love, Simon.  Directed by Greg Berlanti (who also directed and wrote The Broken Hearts Club (2000) a movie I really enjoyed), Love, Simon basically tells the story of high